Thanks to John Gorman from Team Gorman in Springfield, MO for the great Periscope sessions he does each week. For more information visit his website at
Macronutrients or Macros make up the majority of our diets. There are three main macros: Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate. One gram of each macro has a calorie value. 1 Gram of Protein = 4 Calories
1 Gram of Carbohydrate = 4 Calories
1 Gram of Fat = 9 CaloriesRather than typical calorie counting (e.g. Eating 2000 cals a day) Flexible Dieters would track macronutrients (e.g. Eating 150g Protein, 80g Fat, 170g Carbohydrate = 2000 cals) which more effectively influences body composition rather than just weight loss or gain.Flexible Dieting follows the belief that there are no miracle weight loss foods. No good or bad foods, just macro ratios
1 Gram of Protein = 4 Calories
McGrilled Chicken Burger:
25g Protein
33g Carbohydrate
15g Fat
Brown Rice and Tuna
25g Protein
33g Carbohydrate
15g Fat
Both are the same macros and so both will achieve the same results in your body composition.
When food enters your stomach your body isn’t thinking “Healthy or unhealthy?” it is simply breaking down the food and processing the macronutrients.
Essentially, to change your body you can eat whatever you want so long as you hit your macro goals.
How much Fiber should I be having with Flexible Diet?
To maintain and improve overall health, although not necessary to change your body, I’d recommended tracking your fiber intake as well as John Gorman says in the video he recommends at least 30g of fiber each day. This will ensure that you are getting enough micronutrients as well.
What Are the Benefits?
I have competed in 2 body building competitions and I’ve experimented with a range of different diets. All of them have their merits but Flexible Dieting is by far my favorite it allows me to change my meals daily which allows me to continue to see success without getting burned out on the same old chicken and brocolli meals.
Here are a couple reasons why flexible dieting works:
1. Effective
The most important tool in weight loss is understanding that a calorie deficit is necessary for losing weight.
Although quality is still important, quantity is the greater determining factor in weight loss or gain. If you’re not in a calorie deficit you can eat all the “good foods” you want and go nowhere.
By tracking everything that enters your mouth you stop the guess-work and take control over how & when you reach your goals. Tracking, whether it’s your macros or calories, is hands down the most effective way to change your body. I highly recommend using an app such as MyFitness Pal which is available both in the Itunes and Google Play Store for download.
2. It’s Flexible
Flexible dieting is just that: Flexible.
By focusing on your macronutrient intake rather than eating certain foods you can still achieve your goals while enjoying life with everyone else. You can have your ice cream or cake and still enjoy losing weight!
One of the challenges especially around competition time is going out to dinner
Research shows that a more flexible approach leads to less anxiety, and more successful weight management, so being able to eat some of the foods you really enjoy will allow you to remain on the diet and in turn results in a healthy habit and lifestyle.
By allowing yourself flexibility you can join in on meals with families and friends, so long as you keep track of what you’re eating, but remember tracking it means weighing it out and knowing exactly the portion amounts not trying to guess how much is on your plate.
How to Get Started
1. Calculate your Macros
The 1st step is understanding what you are currently eating now, if you are not gaining nor losing weight then it will be best to track your food intake for a few days, this will be your starting point as to where you are in regards to your calorie intake. There are some macro counters online and even a great counter built into My Fitness Pal, but having a starting point and adjusting as you go is best.
2. Track Your Macros
This way of eating is all about tracking and measuring your macro intake.
I personally use the MyFitnessPal app (iOS or Android) as it has the worlds largest nutritional database which allows you to add your own items that may or maynot be listed in the database. It’s also allows you to import recipes from other websites directly into your own recipe section and track your meals and calories.
3. Buy a Food Scale
Trying to eyeball how much of a particular item you are eating is almost impossible, a lot of nutritional information is available on food packaging, however, a scale will ensure you accurately track what you eat.
Without a doubt I feel that flexible dieting has completely changed what and how I eat. I love having the ability to eat with family and friends, I’m seeing great results and I can see myself doing this for years to come.